Friday, August 17, 2012

Prayer Works

17 Hours ago, my 17 y/o son wrote this on his Face book wall.  I left it unedited, as I didn’t want to disturb what he said and how he said it.

 “Your more than wonderfull more than amazing the irreplacable love of my life- My Mom ♥”

UnlikeLike ·  · 17 hours ago ·

Friends, who says prayer doesn’t work. Here in black and white is the proof that God is in the business of changing hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. Before seeing this post, which my sister forwarded to me, I sat in my car and asked myself “why do we pray?” 
I answered the question immediately, “Because prayer works!” 

We pray to get ourselves in line with God’s will and purpose. We pray to strengthen our own faith and belief in God, who is more than able.  It occurred to me that God is not reacting to what we are going through. He is not responding and deciding at each moment what he will do and how he will do it.  The bible says that God finished the work of creation and on the seventh day he rested. (Heb 4:4).  His works have been completed before we were formed.

I want you to be encouraged today.  That situation, or person, or thing that you have been praying about, do not cease in your prayer. It may that when we look up, all that we see is just this tiny cloud, looking like the hand of a man, and we have been praying for rain (1 King 18:44).  But that tiny act, that small change, that seemingly insignificant difference is the sign we seek to go forward.  It is the sign of the spiritual manifesting into the natural. It is the sign of our answer and it simply means Get Ready!  Friend’s the race is never for the swift but for those that will endure till the end.  Get Ready your turn around is coming. 

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