Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Psalm 95

How do we come before Him?

It is possible that you are very much like me in that you sometimes write out prayers to God.  One morning as I knelt bedside writing such a prayer I caught myself.  Have you ever done that? Just suddenly become aware of whatever it is you are doing?  I examined my position and demeanor as I knelt in the presence of God that morning.  My knees were bent, yes, but nothing else about my body language expressed what I had read just a few short minutes ago.  Psalm 95 said “Come let us sing for joy…shout aloud…come before Him with thanksgiving…and song” (verses 1-2).  Yet, I knelt with hands holding up my head; absolutely no singing and I didn’t even open my mouth to speak to Him.  There was no joy to speak of, and I was no-where near worshiping in Spirit and truth.

I looked and felt like the world and its outcome was shifted to my list of “to do”.  I can almost hear your responses, “what is wrong with being quiet sometimes?”  Friends, nothing is wrong with that at all. But too often, we remain silent and weighed down, even when we come before Him.  I suggest we make a conscious effort to try something different.  The Psalmist says Sing and Shout!  He reminds us that we are the flock under His care.  Our worship can therefore be underlined with thanksgiving and highlighted with Joy!  Come, let us worship and bow down, kneeling before the Lord, Our God, Our Maker.

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