Thursday, August 2, 2012


I see me sitting behind a wall of people, who are protecting me against things being thrown at me. I see their hands raised over my head, sheltering me from rain drops of fire. I see how a parent would place their child behind them - to protect them from facing danger. I see God being my refuge and shelter as I call on His name. I see this and I know that you needed to hear that He is your refuge, your strong tower, your shield and your shelter, your present help intimes of trouble, your God!


He hides me
I stand behind his shadow
My refuge, my strong tower
He hides me

He hides me
From the blows and arrows directed at me
My shield, my protector
He hides me

He hides me
From the storm that rages in my life
My present help, my shelter
He hides me

He hides me
From the lips that curse me - commissioned to destroy me
My counselor, my lover
He hides me

He hides me
I can see him taking the blows
He shelters me
I can see him fighting in the rain
He hides me

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